Weather radar

  • Training

Ø      Some short courses on radar meteorology, by NOAA’s Operational Support Facility in Norman OK [designed for forecasters]

Ø      NOAA's Operations Training Branch : practical info on the WSR 88-D

Ø      Clear-air radar observations of a sea breeze front (nice theory)

Ø      applet to obtain beam height and width as function of range and elevation angle

Ø      atmospheric science observing systems, by NCAR ASP

Ø      composite radar imagery and RUC analyses for the July 14-15 1998 MCS: role of LL shear and water vapor (Tuttle et al, 2003)

  • USA

Ø      Current WSR-88D imagery, plus national composite, from NCAR RAP, NOAA,  U Michigan, U Wyoming

Ø      8 km and 2 km composite radar reflectivity over the USA, from the Global Hydrology and Climate Center, Huntsville (~30 min old, zoom in to a 2 km resolution)(login: virga   password: Drizzle)

Ø      archive of images for the last two weeks, both NIDS variables for all WSR-88D radars, and regional composites, from NCAR RAP

Ø      archive of 8 km US reflectivity composite data, since 1995, from the National Climate Data Center

Ø      Intellicom: radar summary of my own part of the world: animation, cell movement, precip type (commercial!)

Ø      Stormwatch (radar composites and severe weather watches)

  • current radar reflectivity imagery elsewhere

Ø      Canada, from Environment Canada

Ø      Mexico

Ø      Europe (simplified)

Ø      Australia, from the Bureau of Meteorology

Please let me know if you know of a site that shows operational real-time radar imagery from other places around the world.

HOME - Last update: April 11, 2003. Please email corrections and new sites to Bart Geerts