Weather Conversions

for Javascript-enabled browsers only

Height Conversion


Temperature Conversion

Fahrenheit ( o F )
Celsius ( o C )

Windchill Calculation (non-metric)

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed in knots, then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill ( WC ).
Tair kts

Windchill Calculation (metric)

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Celcius and wind speed in meters per seconds, then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill ( WC ).
Tair mps

Relative Humidity Calculation

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) and dew point temperature ( Tdp) in degrees Fahrenheit ( oF ) then click on the Calculate RH to compute relative humidity( RH ).
Tair Tdp

Heat Index & Humidity Calculation

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity ( RH ) in percent ( without the % sign ), then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index ( HI ).
Tair RH Tdp =
Tair Tdp RH =

More meteorological conversions can be found here.

Please email Bart Geerts for suggestions for other conversions.